Zinker class first coating in the United Arab Emirates and the Arab Gulf countries.
2018: The Year of the Fight Against Corrosion.
We are proud to represent our regional dealer in the UAE and the GCC countries - Galva Protec Galvanizing Factory. On the photo on the left - the Company Chairman & Owner: Mr. Mohamed Al Mansoori, on to the right – The General Manager: Reda Matallah.
Dear colleagues from the UAE and the Arab Gulf countries, please contact as follows, regarding the delivery & business relation of the GALVANOL - Zinker class first coating:
Mr. Mohamed Al Mansoori
Tel .: +971 2550 7755
E-mail: Mansouri@GPG.ae
Reda Matallah
Tel .: +971 55348 0145
E-mail: Reda@GPG.ae
Adress: PO Box 10651, ICAD II, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
2018: The Year of the Fight Against Corrosion.
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Дарья Легких,
Референт Бюро SteelBuildings Agency (SBA), г. Корк (Ирландия)